I was sitting here thinking tonight i ws pulling weeds in my weed right.I was thinking about how good the good ol days were how I took life for granted,and how it hurts to live this life.At the same time there are people way worse,but I focus on my own conditions.
The deal is ive posted,and read from alot of my support group here,I actually feel sick everyday with something.Like a rapid heart rate,or skipping beats freak me the most you can say its anxiety.Than I get real bad heartburn for days,and I take a ppi for my gerd,and the bland diet.So that is real right,but that makes sense to maybe i triggerd it with food or,anxiety and stress..Now im having headaches,and weird thoughts,and I think tumor.Ive always had something the last 3 years ive had this disease..
So how can you tell what is real and what isnt if it feels real,than should you see a Dr,at the same time You would Be there daily right?If your like me than everyday you really feel a symptom of disease..Im so confused i have one of 3 diseases now,and i ruin my life with these thoughts..Whats real,and whats not..What is,and what is the whats ifs?Ive talked with my buddys about the what ifs,and there tricky try and stay postive..Does anyone really feel something all day,no matter if its a big symptom or a little one..
One for example anybody ever get this:Like your standing there and it feels like all the blood eithier rushs to your feet or head,and it feels like your eyes are going to bug out your head,and you can almost feel your body falling over..I dont know if anyone else gets this its hard to explain...thanks support group for my rambling..