I get a numb calf when I take a walk on a treadmill. Normal walking is ok, but that treadmill always gets me! I think it's because normal walking doesn't have the resistance the treadmill gives you. Anyways.... I talked to a doctor about it and he said that any kind of exercise really does a number on your muscles and you just need to spend more time stretching it out before and after working out. I used to get swollen ankles after working out also, but since spending more time stretching out, this doesn't happen as often. Try that and see if it helps.
ialways have a numb feeling in the calf of my leg when iam walking this then freaks me out and brings me into panic mode thinking iam having a stroke.i think i have read every book possible about panic/anxiety they all say the same thing that we control this i cannot accept this beacause i try so hard to be well again but i always have something wrong with me,i booked my holiday for next year thinking i will be well by then but now thats causing me stress worring about flying.i just want to be normal again i going to my doc to see if i can come off my meds because i still feel the same 9 months later.is this just me or can anyone relate to my feelings any feedback would be good