Hi,guys i hate to post about me and my symptoms i like to help others more..
Well i had taken a nap around 6,because of a panic attack when i got up my head hurt around my right eye.I took no medcine at all,just layed there agitited,and my head hurt..So by night time i take a few showers try to lay down everything seemed so weird..I coulddnt get comftorable..So i layed there and i started to get nausea..The pain was increasing around the right part of my head,and the right temple,and forehead..Before i new it i threw up 3 times..This wigged me out i never do that..So i try no to dwell on it,but im scared,the weird thing is like a half an hour after i took the tyleneol i threw up..well any ideas everybody telling me migraine..im scared its something worse???