Dear Vickers, I woke up this morning with a horrible headache and my lips and face were tingling, like electric shocks, I think its the antibiotic. I am tired and queasy, I expect that with anti-B's nausea, loose stools etc....that does not concern me, I know Levaquin is very very strong, for 3-day course, I am afraid to take the third and final dose but then again, as Allison pointed out, she has been very helpful, I will be back to square one, I do NOT want this UTI again, funny the headache is eased and the tingling is not as bad, the nurse-practioners office called back, not here, but HER nurse, and she said if you are having those symptoms you can stop taking it, I would of rather spoke to who perscribed it, she is leaving on vacation in the morn and I doubt I will get a call-back, the other nurse said she would call back if she wanted to call in another medication. I only have 1 dose yet, should I risk those side-effects and just take it, I do not want to start all over again, I googled {bad Debbie} and it said levaquin could cause seizures, of course I attributed my symptoms, tingling, electric shocks, bad headache to an impending seizure! The "nurse's nurse" also said the 2 doses "may" be enough to kill it, I wish I could be sure, I am going to walk-up to the store with my son, I have to get a card, and I may ask that pharmasist what he thinks, I think the nurse-practioner should of phoned back, since her nurse told me NOT to take it, what else should I take? and will 2 days do it since its so potent? Its getting late and I doubt I will get a call-back, I am scared to take, scared not too! I so want this infection gone, its alot better, but I do not want it to come back, like I said I expect stomach upset and tiredness from an anti-B, but that severe headache scared me, I actually woke up with it so I know its not panic, and I do not get tingling usually. Whats your advice, I was thinking of taking the last pill late tonight or tomm, perhaps these symptoms are not the Levaquin, when I looked it up I was shocked! Penicillian its not! the side effect list is very very frightning. I so want this to be gone, why cant it ever be easy?! Write when you can, I hope you are having a good day, I bet the kids are keeping you hopping! School starts soon so we wil