Don im a young guy to,im 26 tough steelworker.I overcame my heart fears through ways that were bad like drinking and stuff like that.I take xanax,but if my heart wants to race it will,and if wants to pound it will.I had around 6 months ago the resting echo,stress test,stress echo.Along with Ekgs,and holter monitor tests blood work,and dr vists.So ive been where you been,so if you feel bad read my posts they are mostly about the heart.The heart is affected by anxiety,im not telling you anything new,but you know if you put your mind on one thing your going to worry more about your worry is your heart so you focus on it,and feel every little heartbeat etc right.So your nerves are sentized also which takes time to make them not like that.Xanax is not a cure,just helps ive been on it 5 years bro.So to break it all down postive thinking,and ssri might help you more bro..Keep in touch here to,its good to here a man,complain like i do,im not alone eithier are you stay strong..