Dear Gang, After a few days of feeling alright, I had such a terrible frighning experience last night I almost called the paramedics I thought I was going to die. My husband left for his shift last night and I was playing Wheel of fortune with my son on Play station, I started getting very nausated, I tried to fight it, I had to run to the bathroom I vomited so forcefully I was vomiting pure red blood! I was scared to death. I drank some milk and it felt better, my throat was so raw because of the hot acid coming up I lost my voice. I took a Klonopin and tried to sleep and hour later I proceded to go to the bathroom over 20 times!! I could not stop urinating, it was like I drank 4 gallons of water, I was so weak around daylight I actually collasped my legs gave way, I called my husband at work which I normally do not do, of course he was mad, said "your going down again" I ate steak for dinner, I do not think that agrees with me this is the second time I had heartburn and stomach problems from it. I am still urinating constantly, I do not think its an infection I have no fever or burning, and with diabeties you get thirst and hunger which I do not have. I feel like I am a victim of a cruel joke, I feel so weak and of course I am shaking with panic, it was so scary having that happen and being alone with a child. I read Paxil can affect your kidneys, is that true?? I am taking a low-dose, has anyone ever had this problem with or without Paxil?? The heartburn and vomiting some blood concerns me but I know its from eating what I should not and it has gone away. That scares me about Paxil effecting the Kidneys and the sodium, I do feel weak and tired, I mean how much can you urinate, I cannot stop, I am so weak and scared, can the kidneys be hurt by all this urinating?? I think I am going to stop the Paxil, this is so frightning, I kept my little boy up all night keep running to the bathroom and of course he told my husband who is now mad, I even had an "accident" in bed which of course I am very humilated about, if anyone can help I would be so grateful this is NOT normal to urinate every 10 minutes and the only thing I can think of is the Paxil, If anyone can help, please, can your body lose too much water, can you die from this?? I am shaking with fear, what a