Hi Gina im glad you are doing ok i have the same problem with my kids acting up i feel really guilty about being anxious all the time that i let my kids do alot of things that i normally wouldnt.The book you bought is a great help i am almost finished it.I find i get really tired too i think its from concentrating so hard on trying not to be anxious.Keep up with the positive thoughts.
i have been doing so.. so..
i feel tired and things are getting on my nerves easy. my husband is being great finally. my daughter is acting up. i have been so caught up in my anxiety that i have been letting her get away with murder and now she is acting spolied .i went to dinner with my parents tonight. no panic attacks!i bought a book today{ from panic to power} i cant wait to start reading it.i am still doing the positive thinking.it helps alot but is alot of work.well just anted to vent a little. gina