I hope this will help you. I am e-mailed daily prophecies from a pastor named Ras Robinson, out of Texas, with a site called "What the Lord is Saying Today."
Here is what I got in my e-mail today.
July 23,2005
"Face life, don't fear it. In my Bible ther are 285 verses that mention the word fear. Fear (phobia) means alarm, fright, afraid, terror. Terrorism is sweeping the earth today. What should be our response? As I prayed by dawn today, the Lord spoke to my heart in these words: Lose you self in love for others, and your neighbors, whomever they may be. Ask for an infilling of my love within you to drive out all fear that seeks to enter. Believe all that I have told you. Let My faith, which I have given you, rise and transform your mind. Only believe with all your heart. And then act with pinpoint obedience to My every word. Everything is alright in the Father's house. Face life, don't fear it."
"1 John 4:18 There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love."
Hope this helps, maybe read the Bible some, it says we can be transformed by the renewing of our mind, and, after all, isn't this what we all need, is renewed thinking. We are also told to think on "whatsoever things are lovely, pure, and virtuous, and praiseworthy. These things rest your mind, give you faith, and reform our fearful negative thoughts. Maybe start making a list of 10 things that are good and you can be thankful for each day; and do it on paper-- it will seem more concrete to you that way. Hope this helps, Cathie P.S. Praying for you, will you please pray for me as well? Thanks!