hi there just read your post and i do agree with you..i,ve just started taking a vitamin b12 supplement which is meant to strengthen nerves..also i have the rescue remedy at home..it is pretty useful..also you should try to do deep breathing excercises..i,ve been doing pranayam for about 3 weeks now..the results are amazing.which meditation do you do??i,d like to start meditating but cant seem to find the right way to meditate.
I just thought some of you would be interested in this: I went to my local health food store and found out that most people who have panic/anxiety disorders have a vitamin deficiency. I am now taking several vitamins to help with this crazy disorder. I also found this all natural non habit forming relaxant called Bach's rescue remedy. It has essence of many different flowers in it and brandy. You just put 4 drops under your tounge whenever you need it. One more thing I have been doing is meditation CD's. I found them on amazon.com. I listen to them every night and it really relaxes me. I refuse to take Meds to alter my brain chemistry when I know neglecting my needs and taking care of everyone plus always putting myself last is part of the reason why i have this disorder. People, look deep within yourselves and find out what is really under you. I have alot of anger,pain, resentment among the many other things i have stuffed over the years. Its all now comming out! If anyone would like to know the exact vitamins or relaxation cds I am using feel free to e-mail me at msheat032@peoplepc.com