Thanks guys, so far no real panic, just high anxiety and shortness of breath. Its very hot here in Florida. Alison when I read your post I understood, I sleep with a little nightlight, I understand when you said "time you can never get back" my son is not like me about my health and panic {thank God} he fears hurricanes, almost obessive about it, they fasinate him and scare him at the same time, he is always on weather sites, other than he is fine, sometimes I think he is more mature than me, I have felt like a terrible Mother lately, I get telling him I love him, I am sorry and try to comfort him and be with him. I am trying to get up the nerve and courage to take my Paxil, I am petrified to take it with Klonopin, I have never read or knew anyone who takes these together, its usually Zoloft and Xanax or another combo, I only wish I knew how safe it is, everyone on this site and prayer gets me through, my goal is to wake one morning and not fear I am going to drop dead of a heart attack or some other terrible thing, I do not want money power or even happiness just that, to be normal and not feel like I am going to die, I am praying very hard for that. Thanks, God bless, Debbie.