Please help me gang, what has happened is beyond belief, Saturday night my Husband fell down the stairs at work at sprained his ankle, he is getting x-rays right now and can hardly walk. If that was not enough last night my little boy slipped on an empty box and banged the side of his foot, its swollen and red and now he cannot walk, when my husband gets home we are going to the Peditrician and probably ER for x-rays, I feel so guilty for leaving that stupid empty box out. Both my husband and son cannot walk, I am a mess, I am shaking with panic, I called my nurse, I am so dizzy with heart pains I can barely stand and I have to be strong. I feel like I am being punished, my family is falling apart! I am so scared a blood clot will form in my sons foot, just when I am at my worst this happens. Please send prayers my way, I am so afraid someone is going to die in my house, this is awful and I am falling apart, weak, bleeding heavy and a complete panicky shaky mess, my arm is numbing up and I am short of breath, I do NOT want to think about myself right now, my husband and son need me, please say some prayers. Thank you, Debbie.