Hi Vickers and Cat, As unbelievable as it sounds the papls did not get worse when I walked, I guess I was so determined to get there and get help it gave me strength, I will remember your words about the heart being the strongest in the body, I am scared to death and of course the heavy bleeding does not help, I so dread being alone all night, I am praying so hard for God to help heal and give me the courage to go on for my son. Cat, when you were having your palps and chest pain was it heart related or anxiety?? I hope I am not near death, the pain and palps just scare the heck out of me, I try to lay down and my heart keeps skipping, I am exhausted also, from worry and panic, did your DOctor ever tell you what was causing the pain and skipped beats? If I knew why I would probably feel a little better. I will keep remembering your words that the palps are normal, I hate feeling so weak and helpless, and I agree Vickers what the Doctor did was terrible, actually the staff, I will not go back there, Thank you all for your prayers, I have never in my life been afraid to go to sleep at night, sleep has always been helpful for me, I have this fear my son will discover me dear, is that not a horrible thought! Is this all anxiety? Can it really do all these things to you? I wish you could hug me too VIckers, that would help. I feel like I need a babysitter or something, my Dad said my husband is going to leave me if this keeps up and take my little boy with him, not a good thing to say to a scared girl, but he has always had a knack for saying the wrong thing, I just need something to hold on to, I feel so lost and sick, what causes palps and pain? if I only knew! Please write me back when you guys get a chance, you help me so much. God bless you, Debbie.