thanks gina for the help if it wasnt for my friends over the net id be lost i tryed chatting to some other ladies on-line to see if i can get my mind off of her you know trying to move on with my life but i feel like im doing something wrong or dirty . im doing better than i was yesterday im getting better day by day i have some pain in my left kidney today for some reason it hurts pretty bad kinda making me worried but i know i will be ok. about my girlfriend i know she will realize someday that she lost the best thing she ever had when she left me . which is what she did there are not that many decent looking 23 year old men out there who dont drink or do drugs or even smoke for that matter .
josh dont feel stupid! it happens to the best of us. the important thing is we learn from our mistakes.i hope you fell better. i have had bad breakups before.when i thought my world was over i looked around and life still went on.dont wasteing your time blameing each other. just get your life togather. goodluck.
she never seemed hateful or disrespectful to me we had a good relationship i met her on the net since i have a problem talking to women i dont meet them easily it totally suprised me when she said yes to me about being my girlfriend we had alot of good times and some not so good times but everyone has ups and downs you know and and anxiety is obviously one of my downs that was no reason to leave me when she told me she was leaving that friday i threatened to hurt myself i guess suicide was contemplated so i was rushed off to a crisis center here in town they didnt help me much just a lot of talk . for some god awful reason i dont understand why i am the one who always gets hurt when it comes to relationships . i thought i had finally struck it lucky we both shared common interest in fish and animals as well as other things so we bought several fish aquariums together and other animals like the iguanas we had three at one time two betta fish a fifty -five gallon aquarium and a 20 gallon aquarium all stuffed in my little efficieny apartment life was good some of the troubles started after her mom bought her the parrot for her 19 th birthday it made her feel guilty about not being down there with her family her family was weird they used things to guilt her and they never called with good news it was always bad news . so it was about 2 months to the day she got odie the parrot she left me i guess my anxiety level must have been rising during those 2 months without me knowing about it because of all the talk of her leaving.i wish during that time i had known i may have been able to prevent what is going on now with my medical issues after her leaving i find that i suffer from anxiety , i cant sleep unless i take 2 tylenol pms before bed so that it pretty much just knocks me out , i have stomach problems my headaches last for days at a time . i pretty much feel lousy . part of me wants to just call her up and yell at her because that part of me feels its all her fault but i hate to put the blame on others so i blame myself for what has happened to me i feel so stupid sitting here telling you guys my life story . i guess i just know you will listen and have an un-bias opinion .
She may just be your downfall. Who needs a person in your life who is so hateful and disrespectful to you? She apparently has a very cold heart and you may find your stress and anxiety gets better without her!!!!
she told me yesterday that she has been losing weight i said well that a good thing and then she goes something about having some sex with other guys i have never felt so hurt in my life i havent been able to go home for days do to the breakup it totally messed up my life im so confused i dont know why she is trying to hurt my feelings she said she likes getting a rise outta me right now is not the best time to do that im confused scared depressed and feel alone all in one and have anxiety on top of it all i still love her though and i miss her i wish i could seriously talk to her on her own she stays at her moms now which is 188.86 miles away they made her hate me to some extent and made her leave me to some extent as long as she is staying there no matter what i say is wrong and there is no talking sensibly to her . im not allowed to call there they made that a restriction it all started when her aunt in california was diagnosed with cancer she said she had to go and watch her moms house while i said it was ok we decided to both take a trip and go on the vacation and spend time at her moms well as the trip grew closer we argued a little more her mom called and said the aunt had passed away but we were still taking the trip i started feeling bad over the 4th of july and woke her up in the middle of the night told her i was having an anxiety attack she held me and i made it through till morning then by morning i was feeling pretty bad so i went to the er they didnt knw what was wrong said i was dehydrated or something and sent me home i was back in the er again in the next few days she hated taking me to the hospital i think it was the stress on her that made her leave me since then i did worse health wise lost alot of weight been real forgetfull my life has become a complete mess. like i said im alone now i havent worked in 2 weeks and its hard to think of her down there with some other guy what should i do she wants me to just forget about her and go on with my life thats what she said she is going to do its not that easy to forget her . i wish there was something i could say or do to get some since into her mind
I agree with Khris, stay on the Lexapro. Eventually, you will start to feel better about things and view the break-up more clearly. Give yourself some time to recover and then perhaps you can talk to her about it. Right now may not be such a good time to talk to her but rather focus on getting yourself better first. :)
Stay on the Lexapro. It works for me. The thing is it somewhat numbs your feelings after awhile, but hey....that might not be such a bad thing right???
Sorry about the girlfriend, bud.
lexapro seems to be helping me in some ways but in others making some probs worse it has finaly started working on my anxiety level i knock on wood havent paniced in about 2 days now yet i am still feeling kind of delerious kinda a lost feeling my girlfriend left me last friday it has been a super hard week for me ive never had a break up like this . i tryed to confess to her that i had a problem and that i am trying to seek help for it in hopes she would understand but she went back to her moms which is 188.6 miles away seems like an eternity to me but even after confessing she still looks down on me and does not want to treat me right i feel bad and put myself down because of the things she said any advice for me