Does anyone have advice on how to pick a good therapist, before you meet them? I went to one 3 years ago, and now again just today, and both were not at all what I was hoping for. The one I saw today really didn't listen to what I was saying, didn't seem to understand what I was trying to explain about my anxiety and panic, and it was pretty obvious I knew more, clinically, about the disorder than she did. I feel silly trying to find yet another one...
Also, I found a great doctor, and I am very comfortable with him, he is very compassionate and understanding. But he does want me to take medication (Effexor - anyone have any experience with that???) AND CBT at the same time. He feels, as most docs do, that statistically the "two pronged approach" works best. I am worried that if I take meds, even if they "work" and make me feel better, I won't really BE better, so when I come off them, I won't believe I am really better and therefore I will just deteriorate again... anyone else feel that way, or has anyone gone on meds and come off just fine without feeling like it was only the meds making them better?
When I told the therapist today about my concerns with meds, she said "but the goal is to feel better, meds will make you feel better". And I said "actually, my goal is to BE better, not just FEEL better". She didn't seem to understand the difference...
Any advice appreciated!