Hi Jessica yes I feel dizzy and lightheaded lately too. I feel out of it all day . I made an appointment with a doctor to see what if anything is wrong with me. I think it is stress mixed with premenopausal . I feel maybe I need a good anxiety /antidepressant. I am sick of feeling this way and want to be my old self again. I think maybe you should go to a doctor even if its just for peace of mind.
Feeling light headed and dizzy is one of my strongest symptoms. I absolutely hate it. I have however, started to "go" with the feeling. In the past I try to make the feeling go away. Lately I just let myself feel it and keep on going with what I am doing. The amazing thing is that the feeling goes away faster.
Do you have allergies? I have terrible environmental allergies and sometimes this contributes to the dizzy feeling. But like I said, if I allow myself to just feel it, it goes away faster.
hey guys
gosh this is like my thrid post this week. whats going on with me...lol. i go from symptom to symptom.new symptom today. feeling faint and lightheaded. well i always feel like this. but now its bothering me. i feel like something is majorly wrong with me. what is wrong with me. i think i got a tumor or something. i always feel like ima pass out or something. i dont know if its cause i have low blood sugar or something. i have no clue. but its freaking me out. well if any one can get back that would be great.