Thanks Gina and Kim, I keep dwelling on it, what scares me is my panic attacks or anxiety never really caused chest pain or heart palps, just shakiness and dizziness, now I feel pain in my left arm! The chest pain is still there, not as bad, the palps seem less but still there, I just pray God its anxiety and not angina or a pending heart attack, I smoke and I am trying to cut way down, even the Klonopin did not help and that always helps, I have to get my mind off it, right now I am on the verge of having a panic attack, I started getting arm pains after my Aunt mentioned that is one of the signs of a heart attack, I started Zoloft again so that may be contributing to it, did you have heart skipped beats too Kim? or Gina? that is what is really scaring me. This darn panic is ruining my life, my upper arm seems numb unless I am imagining it. God bless, thanks for being here. Debbie.