Hi devon7, I also get those eye/headaches. For me, they are tension and sinus related. It almost feels like my eyeballs are "hard" sometimes. I find it is worse when I am overtired and have been on the computer at work for a long time. I think stress aggrivates the headaches as well.
i have problems driving as well just recently this all started i panic when i go out feel like im going to get lost and not find my way home it scares the heck outta me
??????Does anyone else get tension in or around the eyes and face (over the bridge of the nose) its almost like eye strain. It messes with my eyes and makes me feel "WEIRD" in the head and I get that head floating feeling. Seems like driving makes it worse. I think I am sensitive to movement. Is anyone else get symptoms when driving? Thanks for any replies and Bless you all! You are in my prayers.