Sorry Gina you are feeling so anxious! The parent thing...I once...or twice spent two weeks with my parents because their house was the SAFE place for me. That is when I didnt know what was happening to me, I just felt afraid of "something" and was afraid I would die or something plus had all the weird physical sensations. My dad made me feel at ease just to be around him. My husband didnt understand. lol
My dad passed away 2 years ago and my mom's b/f did too and now it's not as appealing to go there....but I have. my hubby is gone for 14 days at a time, so sometimes i go stay with mom now and then.
But it is normal to want to be with the SAFE people in our life, BUT mine passed away and It really hit me hard. My sister is my Safe person now....and I am hers (she is a nervous one too). Feel better Gina! Be praying for ya!:)
spoke too soon today i am not doing so well.i have a meeting at work friend is going to drive me.i feel anxious! i cant think straight. support please gina
i went to work today instead of staying home and worrying about the hurricane. i had a ok day. my family is still at my house .its nice having my mom and dad around. i wish i was a kid again.i took my blood pressure tonight when me and my mom was at the grocery store it was 108/68. thats the best it has been in a long time. the hurricane has passed were i live. thank god!my parents are leaving tomarrow i dont want them to leave i feel safe around them.i am aife and a mom but part of me wants to live with my parents again. does that sound crazy? maybe i am just tired. good nite everyone. i hope everyones sleeps good tonight. gina