Panic attack is a fairly new thing to me... Nearly 6 months ago I had my
first attack... I was freaked out: My mouth went completely dry, I was
walking in the busiest street of London..alone, feeling completely lost I
was rushing, holding tight looking out for the next shop, where I could
buy a bottle of water I bought the water but could not raise my head to
drink it, I was drinking like someone had never held a bottle in his
hands before I managed to take a few drops to moist my mouth and
throat And took the first Taxi I met: Hospital please, emergency
My panic attacks are coupled with a very strange feeling of
bloatedness, and unnatural burping (I force air into my stomach to
pave the way for the wind to come out... It sounds/looks like someone
who wants to burp for fun - but no fun believe me...
The doctor in the hospital, and elsewhere, explained that it was a
fright-and-flight sensation - of course I never believed them. Only
once a doctor gave me an NHS (NAtional Health Services) booklet called
"Managing stress". which explained my symptoms as they happened to
Now, my biggest problem is that there are certain situations and places
where I cannot handle it anymore. For example, I had a meeting with
my colleagues today, it hit me, I started trembling thinking I would
make a complete fool out of myself, lowering my head all the time (by
the way, another symptom is that my eyes start blinking like and loose
their focus). Until on of my my colleagues said: Are you all right? I said
not really, It is the Hey Fever, I have to go and wash my face... I am
basically not myself anymore; I feel like I lost all my confidence ( not
that I had been a very confident person, I was always a bit nervous/
anxious when I sat in a meeting, or spoke or when I became the centre
of attention - But never like this, after all I had always handled the
situations, but my confidence apparently was fake, not real...
I am glad some peopel say "You are What you Eat!" and hope it is food
related, because I have also the air in my stomach to prove it.. Only
there is one concern, the air could be as a result of the stress and not
the other way round.. May be..
I know that putting oneself together can help.. But h