im on 50 mg of Zoloft, and the only problems i have are when i wake up from sleep. i feel irritable, and less able to control my thoughts. it also "hurts" to yawn. like my brain is really working hard to soak up all the oxygen. other than that, i feel pretty good. i still have ups and downs, im not a zombie, which is what i appreciate the most about the medication.
Chris, ok so here's the thing....if u don't like the side effect of being sleepy while on Zoloft, tell ur doctor. There are a million different drugs out there that r just as good. Don't be afraid to try new pills. I went from effexor to lexapro to God knows what else...and Zoloft worked for me...i was on 200 mg. then i quit taking it. My point is, everyones body is different and what works for me might not work for u.
I have been on zoloft for alomst 5 years. I had the same problem as you at first and I started taking mine at night. It doesn't matter what time of day you take it, the dosage lasts 24 hours anyway. I'm sure you would feel less tired during the daytime if you took it at night.
Best of luck to you,
Dear Chris,
Many tiredness are caused by our own thinking. The body maybe tired but our negative minds make it even more tired.
If you aware of what your thoughts are. You will realise medication will help you calm down however yr mind maybe the root of the problem.
Find out more on meditation it might help to balance yr mind.
Best regards,