Sorry I have been MIA this past week. I have been busy. The grandparents were in town, staying at my mom's so I was there alot. Then when I got home, I was sooo tired all I could do is sleep. Imagine that, I COULD SLEEP!!!!
My husband gave me what he calls his "sleep intervention." He is making me get up at the same time every day (8 am!!!) even when I don't have to work. He says that I need a sleep schedule. I feel like a baby:) But oh, my, it has worked so well. I am so tired at the end of the day, I fall right to sleep.
I did get my test results back the other day. Nothing is wrong with me so far. I have one more test they need to do in a few weeks.
Just wanted to give an update, not to go on and on. But I will be reading old posts and catch up with everyone.