Yes I have those headaches from the base of my skull up the side of my head and my temples have been sore to the touch.....from stress. It sux but relaxing and NOT freaking out helps....which is hard to do i know and take tylenot or advil....dont just suffer, it will make you more tense.! Good luck hun!
hey jimbo
i really dont know if its something underlying. probably not. i have mentioned all of my symptoms to my doctors and they all said its stress and anxiety. i should really in the future had some blood work done though.l well i will see my doctor tomorrow anyways. so we'll see how that goes. thanks jim. hope ur havin a good night too
I would say yes, these symptoms can be from anxiety. At the same time if you feel like thee may be something underlying you should get sdome tests done. I have been lucky and have avoided any major headaches. I've had a few though so hopfully this will pass for you soon. Jimbo
hey guys.
yea its me again. still freakin about the same thing. it never ends. the past couple of days ive had a tension headache. it goes from around the back of my head to the temples. its like tight and achy feeling. its freakin me out cuz ive never had this before. but then again all of the symptoms ive had since anxiety ive never had. could these headaches be from anxiety? my psychatrist said i have depression, panic disorder and anxiety. so could that be a reason too? well please anyone get back. thanks