I am so glad someone touched on this aspect of anxiety! I have been spending a lot of time trying to dig deep and figure out what's really the underlying cause of this anxiety problem for me, and you just nailed a big part of it.
Our minds have become cluttered with constant thoughts of what we should be doing better, different, faster, etc that we end up not liking ourselves - and especially not LOVING ourselves. I have never really loved myself . Of course with most things, I can trace that back to my childhood. But I know I really do deserve to love me - I am a good person, I do good things. I need to get to the point where I recognize how worthwhile I am and how I do not need to be perfect - I think that leads to a TON of anxiety when your mind is (as mine is) CONSTANTLY working to figure out what I should be doing, where I should be, what I should be like, what needs fixing, who needs me.
Thanks for pointing this out for us Gina.