I always get dizzy when I'm going through anxious times. I even get dizzy when I'm sitting down! It makes me crazy!! But one thing I do know is that the more you think about being dizzy, the more you are going to be dizzy.
Just a side note.... I went to the doctors a couple weeks ago and found out that I had low iron. It shouldn't be below 35, mine was 34. So, I started taking a multivitamin / multimineral supplement every day and it has helped the dizziness. It said on the bottle that it has 100% daily value of iron. You want to be careful with that though because too much iron can be an even bigger problem. I still get dizzy now and again, but not like before. One way for you to check this is to look under your eyelids and see if there is blood there. If it's just a peachy color, you may have low iron. If you can see the blood veins or if the flesh under your eyes is nice and red, you probably don't have an iron problem. But, if you want to get it checked, it just takes a quick blood test at the doctors. Just a thought. Mine was checked because I've had excessive menstruation for the past six months and the blood loss brought on the anemia.
Regardless of the iron thing, I always get dizzy with anxiety. That's probably all you're dealing with. Hang in there - it'll be ok!