You BP levels seem fine -- please try not to worry...I know it's hard when you are anxious...breathe...relax...try to take your mind off of the anxiety...I have to keep repeating to myself that everything is okay...I am fine...a couple of nights ago, I thought I was having a heart attack -- because my chest was hurting (later found out it was indigestion) and my left arm was hurting so much...but they were just muscle's the anxiety that makes us think the worst...
You are fine and please take care of yourself....
Have a great day,
Hi Gina, those sounds like normal levels. I check mine a lot too. I check it during panic attacks and it skies. I don't worry about my blood presure. It can go up and down with anxiety and at different times of the day. . A good thing you might try as I should is keeping a log of your B/P for a week . See how noraml it is for the whole week. This will give you a good idea if something is really wrong, I think this might help . I think I'll try it too cause I really don't need to check it so much.
Hi Gina,
You have to keep telling yourself anxiety won't cause you to have a heart attack. Do you have any other medical condition other than anxiety is that why you take your blood pressure. Because if you don't, Try not to take your blood pressure because this will only cause you to have anxiety.
Ruby.... :)
i have been taken my blood pressure like a crazy women again.i took it 3 times today it was 130/80 earlier and i just took it again and its 110/77.why do i keep driving my self crazy with this blood pressure thing?i am so scared i am going to have a heart attack or something. is my blood pressure ok??