Don't worry about ranting and raving. That's what we all do. That's partly what we're here for. ;p There isn't a single person on this site that doesn't know what you're going through - I promise!
What you are talking about is called "All or none thinking." It's never a headache, it's a stroke. It's never gas, it's a heart attack. It's never a thunderstorm, it's a tornado cloud. Very Common!!! It's the basis for panic / anxiety. Your thoughts let you see things as more than they are and this causes panic / anxiety.
There are many ways and many theories to get through this. I've been dealing with this for 12 years and I can tell you from my own experience and trying many different things, I have learned that the only way to beat this is by learning to take control of your thoughts. This is called Cognitive Behavior Therapy. This website offers a free 12 week course that will teach you Cognitive Behavior Therapy. Take advantage of it and use the program religiously! It takes a lot of effort and determination but I can tell you personally, that for the first time in 12 years, I finally see a light at the end of the tunnel. This is finally making sense to me and I know there is hope. There is hope for you, too. I absolutely promise!!!
Work on the program. Work on it until it goes away or at least gets better and keep working on it. It's free so if you're worried about affording a therapist, don't worry. You can use the program without a therapist - I do. I know that some here use a therapist also, but I don't feel it's necessary.
Use the support group anytime you need to ask a question, vent, cry, find a connection to someone who understands, learn from other people's experiences, or whatever. I hope we can help you make it easier.
Hang in there! You are stronger than you feel - I promise!!