Long story short, four years ago I had my first major panic attack. It was due to basically over-abuse of my body(alcohol mainly), and I was 20 at the time. I went on Paxil for 6 months, but when I had a horrendous attack while on that I gave it up and was switched(at my request) to Ativan. Things got a lot easier, because it was a case of "Oh, having panic attack symptoms? Hey just pop an Ativan and I'll be fine". This helped me to the point where I would have a minor attack once a month tops...and even then it was a case of either taking the ativan, or KNOWING I could take the ativan and I'd be okay.
So living a panic attack free life, it really surprised me when the attacks started up again...with a vengeance. Three months ago I started getting them, and they got to the point where they were every day. I'd never experienced it so severe before. They were disrupting my life. I couldn't get to sleep many nights, and at work if I went in I'd get an attack there.
I tried quite a few things to help me out including going to a stress counsellor as I have a wedding coming up, some financial issues etc and figured it may be stress(although I don't feel stressed). I also changed my diet, eliminating pop completely, only drinking green tea, and cutting cigarettes down from 10-15 a day to 3-5 a day.
Two weeks ago, I had a great week. No panic attack the whole week. Monday-Friday I was fine. Perfectly fine. It was so great. The ONLY thing I can think I did different at that time was I exercised a bit more, doing a lot of abs workouts at night.
Saturday during the day I did good, then at night my buddy came over and we had a few beers. While it wasn't a lot, the next day I felt a bit hungover, and the attacks ended up coming that day. Monday, I was back to my regular panic attack schedule of one a day and it has continued all the time up to today.
I don't understand it, and that is why I am writing here. I mean, these are not stopping me from going out or anything. I still go to work. At lunch I run a good two miles. However when they come on, I just can't cope at all. I can't get my goddarn head around the fact that it is all mental.
Just today for example...I got to work fine, then I started feeling shortness of breath. All mor