This is how i trace is back its kinda of long but bare with me,sharing,and learning from each other is knowledge and knowledge is power..
In that i'd rather live like a man,than die like a coward..
So here it goes im 20 years o0ld at the time i trce it back to febuary i belive of that year..I had noticed things before when i would smoke weed,i would freak,feel minor heart papls,felt just stupid,and hated it..Anyways i quit,because i got into the steelworkers union..
Now trcing it back its like this im playing cards at my friends Anuts house,im drinking beer,and working alot of hours at the time,it was a saturday night..We wanted to stay up late so we got some no doses,and Beer..Got drunk went home,got up the next day it was the Superbowl that day,and my heart raced,all day pretty scary,but it chilled out,and i partyed that night..(i hadnt had sentized nerves yet)..
So i would tell my mom my heart would race at times when i was doing nothing,but i didnt care i was 20,living up,had money,and cars right..So my mom said maybe you should go to see a dr if it keeps up i was whateva..
Now beging of April that year,im at work about to put in a 14 hour day..My heart just takes off usually it would calm down this time was diffrent though ohh so diffrent..I tell the boss im cutting out after 8 1/2 hours..Im sweating,on deaths door i think right..make it home,take a shower hop out,freaked out..what can i do my mom,and dad at work,sister gone,i call the hosputal..they send a ambulance i yell im dying on the phone hurry they meet me outside..
i tell them do something i feel myself going,they got thimgs on my chest say your breatrhing im like im going to stop,and it was horrific..
get the hospital fearing the worst,is to come,or my heart is bad..Dr says your heart is fine,your overworked,caffine,partyed,working relax..
I dont belive it,find the cheif of staff,and have her run the holter monitor test..she cals me friday on her way home from work knew i was worked up..your aight xanax and buspar,and come see..
Now im on xanax 5 years later,and the buspar sucked..
The xanax was a magic pill at first,but my body craved more,ive now leveled off,and live a pretty weird life..In a good way with panic disorder..
People i apolgize for the length,i put all i had