On some people i gotta say its chemical its a proven fact,ive had this 5 years..Im not trying to argue but i strongly disagree,that we can change our minds through just therapy,and be better..Through all i have tried,and the stropong young minded person that ii am i would have licked this by now..At the same time medicine is not a cure its just masking the problem,but helps some of leave our houses and be somewhat normal..This disese is underrated and needs more time and recogntion on it..People think ohh its just in there heads..I agree with you 90 percent,God being number 1,the site,and therapy,and reading books on anxiety,therapy of diffrent kind..For some medicine has to be there because of the serotoin levels,its just kinda odd okay..
MY mom has it,my dad Had it?my grandparents,my sister,and my aunt???
Now we all had it diffrent symptoms,and levels of anxiety,but it was bound to hit me..it did im here,and searching for anwsers..Thanks for the input i love feedback....Hugs..