Quit Meter
Amount Saved
Quit Meter
Days: 1242 Hours: 14
Minutes: 15 Seconds: 34
Life Gained
Quit Meter
Smoke Free Days
Quit Meter
Cigarettes Not Smoked
Quit Meter
Amount Saved
Quit Meter
Days: 649 Hours: 14
Minutes: 8 Seconds: 47
Life Gained
Quit Meter
Smoke Free Days
Quit Meter
Cigarettes Not Smoked
For the record.
I’m not sure that I could be more offended. Me, a member of the “ME” Club? What an outrageous accusation! What a laugh!
Over the last 10 years, I have always taken great care in trying to exclude the pronoun “I” from the thousands of posts that I have shared here; posts that are rarely about ME, posts that are most often designed to help others, advise others, inform others, support others, congratulate others, encourage others, cheer others, welcome others, console others, reassure others.
But when I am asked for a personal opinion or my personal experience on a subject, it is impossible to follow that rule. Yes, that post was about ME, appropriately, and I am proud of its content. It is about my addiction, my experience, my opinion, my addiction and my recovery. If that makes me a member of the “ME” club, I stand guilty as charged. I know many will think otherwise.
Now, moving on…………..
Quit Meter
Amount Saved
Quit Meter
Days: 1242 Hours: 14
Minutes: 15 Seconds: 34
Life Gained
Quit Meter
Smoke Free Days
Quit Meter
Cigarettes Not Smoked