ITA. Your own thoughts can really make things worse. Everyone's heart may occasionally have a skipped beat or an irregular one. Some of us (myself included) feel it more and then our minds allow us to think it is more serious than it is. I personally think there is nothing wrong with getting some tests to be sure your heart is ok, but then work on the mind issue.
Try the panic program. I admit that I still have not completed it but it is similiar to one I started years ago and it did help.
Absolutely your thoughts can create these symtpoms! I've been dealing with this for 12 years now and one thing I know for absolute certain is that the more you think about the physical symptoms, the worse and more noticeable they get.
A month ago I had my first panic attack with the usual symptoms. I thought I was having a heart attack but I went to the doc and she said i was fine. Unfortunately, because of all the articles I read about people with freakish heart problems, I am not that convinced there's nothing wrong. I am now afraid to excerise because I think I am going to over exhert myself. Sometimes when I go up a flight of stairs and I think that I can't do it and that I am going to overdo it, I feel tired and winded when I reach the top. Same goes with regular walking. However, if I am with friends or I'm not thinking about it, I don't get those symptoms. Could my mind be creating these feelings? I just don't know.