Hey there,
I am actually afraid to go back 'into the real world' as I will be moving in with my inlaws and have to study for the Bar examinations in less than a month...and am not sure how I will cope:-(
I am trying to hang on to what I have now but it is so difficult....and these thoughts trigger anxiety:-(
Sorry I just needed to vent...
I hope you are feeling better,
I feel lost all the time...don't worry Lauren, have faith and you will be fine...I am unable to sleep because I stay up thinking about all the things I have to do the next day...it's crazy isn't it?
Try relaxing -- and some tea:-)
I hope you are feeling better.
Take care,
I have to return to my normal (whatever that is) life tommorow. I am not looking forward to it. I have to watch the kids tommorow and Thursday. I am afraid ofcourse, that I will not sleep well tommorow. I don't feel up to it but I have had 2 weeks of and need something to do. I need to keep busy. I do not need the job for the money but I can't just sit around here feeling bad for myself. I am feeling a bit lost right now. Ever feel that way? Like you just don't know what to do next.