//= Url::to(['account/login']) ?>//= Yii::t('podium/view', 'Sign in to reply') ?>
//= Url::to(['account/register']) ?>//= Yii::t('podium/view', 'Register new account') ?>
Who are you doing this for?
for 11 år siden
for 10 måneder siden)
0 +0 / -0
11226 0
We all know in order to quit you have to do it for yourself. You have to deeply want it in order for a quit to be successful. It is difficult or even impossible to quit solely for another person. That being said, we cannot deny that our loved ones support and pride certainly helps push us when times get tough. Knowing our families sleep a little more soundly at night since we quit is certainly one of the many benefits of quitting. When times get tough who do you think of? Who are you doing this for?