The mind is a Powerful Tool!!! If I believe that quitting smoking is Hard, it will be hard. If I believe it will be difficult but that I am strong and can face the challenge because I am a non-smoker, that is what I will accomplish.
I have made sticky cards to use when I need reinforcement. When I have a negative thought I read my cards. They say things like 'I am in control of my life, not cigarettes', 'No way, I want my life back and some defeatist thought will Not stop me', 'the urge to smoke will go away whether I smoke or not', 'I AM a non-smoker; I am Free' and as of yesterday there are N.O.P.E. cards all over my house :) I Visualize myself running and breathing fresh air, exhaling poison and replacing it with Clean Air. Jumping with Joy because I am making my body clean and healthy!!!!
My strong and determined mind will assist me to become a non-smoker; positive beliefs breed positive results!!
Positive thinking can be a very powerful tool to use in everyday life. Those who use positive thinking are more likely to anticipate happiness, joy and a successful outcome to every situation. Some say that whatever the mind expects, it finds.
Members, what are your thoughts on the powers of positive thinking? What are your thoughts on how to change a negative thought to a positive?