Josie the weather sure is a changing and so are we..
We have made some changes because of the heat outdoors. We have been coping by watching some old movies today..We just received the movie "Picnic" in the mail a couple of days ago.What a great stress reducer..We went though and shredded a lot of old paper work today and tonight we're going to make a nice salad and relax with a little reading. If I am up before sunrise tomarrow like I usually am and I want go for my morning walk I'll do it them. My partner waited till about one hour before dark last night to do mow the yards..Thats when it is the coolest..Next year we may sell the house and move to a cooler climate or find one with a smaller yard..
Many are spending more time indoors due to the heat. This may hinder outdoor coping mechanisms and relaxation exercises. What changes have you made to your everyday mechanisms to help you cope?