Hey Gina - how are you feeling?
I always have a lot of physical symptoms when I'm feeling anxious. Even if I've just been a little anxious and not necessarily panicky. The more I think about the symptoms, the worse they are - always! I can even think of a physical symptom and it will come on. I know exactly how you feel!
Try telling yourself you are feeling healthy and strong - even when you're feeling icky. Try to convince yourself that you're feeling good. Believe it or not, it helps.
Hi Gina,
I feel this way as well sometimes...my throat hurts and I think I am getting a cold or something...and it hurts when I swallow as well...
Gina, please take care of yourself...You will be fine...
everyday lately i have been feeling some kind of sickness.i was on antibotics but i am done with them and my throat hurts. everyday i have some kind of symptom i hate feeling like this.and i am always tired. is anyone else like this? gina