Dear Gina, I am praying for you. Let me know how the neck X-rays turn out, I am glad the insurance is paying for a rental car that will help out. I am glad your husband is home, please do not worry too much about your daughter hearing you and your husband argue, my son hears my husband and I argue at times, kids are pretty resilent, she was probably upset he left and she probably feels good he is back, he came back Gina, he loves you, the accident has him all torn up and you too, try to tell him that you and him have to work together and hold your family together, perhaps telling him this is effecting your daughter will wake him up, my husband has trouble understanding my panic too, when you do not suffer from it they cannnot, even certain friends and family members seem "checked out" about it, till one experiences it one cannot possibly understand what we go through, try and get some rest, take a Xanax if you have to and put some soft music on, its gonna get better I just know it. Let me know how you are. God bless, Debbie.