Welcome! Welcome Welcome to the Hall of Fame Roses! I think there's wisdom in your choice to hold off on submitting your HOF Story until you truly felt confident in your Quit. This shows a true commitment to maintaining the long term strategy needed to make it through life's ups and downs without the crutch of nicotine. I was surprised at your 3 packs a day habit and your night time craves that haunted you when you smoked - it must have taken a huge change in your daily life to replace that hand to mouth habit with other things. I am so impressed with you for keeping the quit and finding your health and freedom! Good for you! Congratulations!
Thank you Lolly..so nice of you to say..You have given so much to everyone here over the years. Your positive presence and kind wise words are always appreciated by me and everyone else here .I am so happy you joined this special celebration...
Welcome to the HOF! You are most deserving of it and continue to support so many here at SSC. You are a great example of how to win the battle. Enjoy your fame!
Good morning to you. Thank you for congratulations and for celebrating this event with me and also for all of your pledges of support this last year..Ya the packs was triple the damage I guess but even so we all have to fight our demons not matter how much or little we smoked..I see that you too and getting very close to that One Year mark be sure to post it in the forum so we can all celebrate your special day with you...You must be getting pretty excited by now. I know I was..
Keeping the quit with you my friend and Quit buddy..
Thank you for the Congratulations and for joining in my Celebration..I see you are going to have your one year quit in a few days now too..
It's going to feel wonderful and you are going to be full of joy on that day my friend..I will be there will flags waving on your special day..Be sure to post it on the forum..That way we can all celebrate with you on your special day..By the way I love you new picture..
Thank you for the Congrats and for joining me in the Celebration..Your 30 plus days are looking really good on you and I know you will be hitting the 1 year make again too..I am looking forward to seeing you receive your second induction into the Hall of Fame...
Rose, a great big congratulation and welcome to the Hall of Fame. I have only been back a short time and am so happy to have seen you get your one year in and then to become a Hall of Famer