Hi Gina, Thanks for writing me and being concerned. I have been alright for the last week pretty much, today I feel funky, very panicky, I have been very tired and my stomach is acting up, my husband has been working alot and is exhausted so I am giving him a wide berth, my son is sort of lonely with school out, I have felt a little sad and depressed along with the anxiety, the weather has been rainy and dreary, I am going to try and nap an hour hopefull that will help. How are YOU doing? any problems from the accident?? how is your neck? you were so strong during it Gina, I am so proud of you, how is your daughter doing, is your husband any better? he is probably just nervous about the accident and I know he is glad that you and your daughter are alright and not badly injured, I hope the other driver is going to pay for car damages! it was NOT your fault. Let me know how you are doing. Sending prayers, God bless, Debbie.