My fears change all the time. I've been dealing with this for 12 years now. The majority of my fears revolve around health in general though. For years and years and years it was my heart. Now it's dizziness. Actually, I went to the doctor yesterday and brought it up to him and he ran a blood test and found out I am anemic. Neat-o. One more thing to obssess about! :confuse: Have you been tested for anemia? Or had your ears checked for inner disturbances in your ears?
I pasted and copied some info on here from a different website about dizziness. Go under "search messages" and type in "dizzy info" - that should get you to it. There was a lot of helpful info, which is why I pasted it here because I know so many of us deal with dizziness. See if you can find it. I hope it helps you. I found it helpful.
Hi mo, I am not obsessed with any one symptom, more like three or four. Light headedness is a major one though.I had always attributed it from hitting my head in an accident ealier in my life and drinking and drugs. It has been over 10 years since I last drank and 15 or more for drugs. Not on prescription drugs as of yet and worry to death about going on anything just because of my lightheadedness. I hope more then anything though that the dizzy feeling goes away. I hate it. Its been since I was in 10th grade or so. I'm 43 now so I don't even want to count how many years. Jimbo
Is anyone else focused on 1 major complaint they are obsessed with? Like for me its dizziness and lightheaded. I feel like i spend my whole day dealing with it. I remember years ago it was a heart attack. I was so obsessed with it. I just wish i can stop feeling this way. its been 4 months now. thankis for listening.