There is a book written by Ann Landers, not sure of the title, that I think you should read. 20 years ago, when I was pregnant, I got pnemonia, staff, and something else (can't remember) for 5 months. After I had my baby, I had severe stress symproms. I found this book in the library, and it said if you have physical or emotional stress, your nerves become "senstized" and you begin to get stress symptoms. The symptoms freak you out, so your body releases adrenaline, and you get another nervous symptom. If this cycle progresses, it is termed a "nervous breakdown," bcuz your nerves are just so sensitized. The only way to stop the cycle is to not freak out about nervous symptoms and just let them come. Mine got so bad that I was bedridden for 6 mo.'s( with 3 small children) and constant chest and left arm pain. That's when I let go, and said, "ok God, if you want to take me, take me. " I think that probably saved my life, becuz if I had kept worrying, I probably would have died.
My best advise to you is the same as your Mothers', you have been sick, that is stressful, let your body and mind rest. You will be better, but the only way to get better is to rest your body and mind. Let go, and "let God." Best wishes, Cathie