yEAH THEY ARE SIMILAR I HAVE GERD I GOTT WATCH EVERYTHING I EAT..your ok gerd sucks lol...its normal..
p.s i think im the boards Gerd specialst it is terrible..
Monday I went to bed mad after moving furniture and pulling my neck and back out. Was angry at my hubby for blowing money on a gun also. I woke up with chest pains 3 X. finally I took a 1/2 xanax and fell back asleep. Twice that day I had this weird chest pain wihich felt like heart pain and had a horrific gut ache and the runs. I waS AFRAID TO SEEK HELP. bY THE next day the pains pretty much went away unless I thought it about alot, then I'd get a chest pain right over my left breast. So typical.
Went to doc, he did no tests but gave me Prilosec and said he doesnt think its my heart.
Does GERD or acid relex really give you chest pain?
Thanks for any input.