These last few days, my anxiety has been way up along with the "what if" thoughts. I have been having neck pain for several months and finally got an xray for my neck. It came back that I have disc degeneration along with spurs.
I thought the pain was just from stress, I should have had a clue from the crunching sound in my neck. As if the degeneration and spurs aren't enough, a couple days before I got the results back, my knee started popping whenever I walk upstairs or at an incline. My shoulders have popped for about a year now, I think that may have came from the years that I waited tables, carrying a heavy tray. I took an office job a few months back and now it seems as though I'm fallying apart.
Does anyone know anything about disc degeneration? I am 44 years old, I thought that is something you get when you reach 60. My anxiety and worry is because I feel by the time I reach 60 I may be disabled.
I would appreciate any input.
Thanks in advance.