I read in another post that you are in England? I don't know how things are in the medical field there but I live in Utah, America and it's only been the last ten years or so that doctor's here have been taking mental health seriously. There have always been psychiatrists and what not, but if you went to the doctor with a panic attack, they would treat like you were wasting their time and very rarely did any doctors take you seriously. It was so frustrating!! It has gotten tons better though thanks to the media bringing our turmoils out into the open and people are finally feeling more comfortable coming forward and getting help. Doctors are taking us more seriously now and are more willing to help. On the other side of that though, because all of this has been coming out in the open and people aren't feeling so ashamed about mental health issues, we are becoming seriously over medicated in alarming numbers! Pharmacies have been making different kinds of meds like crazy and doctors are too eager to dish them out. But, I figure because there is so much info out there now and because so many people are getting the help that has been so desperately needed for way too long, this is a good thing because the more people are aware and are willing to talk about it, the closer we are to dealing with this better. You cannot deal with something if it keeps getting swept under the rug.
I don't know what kind of culture you live in and how this sort of thing is dealt with on a social level where you are, but do not be ashamed!!! You're panic / anxiety is valid and you deserve to be heard! You are not less than because of this! Demand the respect you deserve and settle for nothing less!