Morgan - Your MS info has helped me a lot! I just wanted to thank you for sharing it! I figured MS symptoms would be more consistent, too, rather than moving around and coming and going throughout the day. Did you read anything about whether it tends to be one-sided, or more like, BOTH legs or BOTH arms instead of the right leg and right arm? (hope that question makes sense)
My whole MS obsession started with googling my symptoms. At first I was convinced I had hypothyroid. TOTALLY CONVINCED. I can't even remember the very first symptom I researched that gave me MS and hypothyroid pages in Google. I think it may have been "seeing spots" because I have a major problem with seeing spots. But I wouldn't call it a blindness at all, its just spots, like camera flashes, only randomly without the camera! Know what I mean? Then, as I read other MS symptoms, I started to realize I had many of them, and the ones I *didn't* have, I started to *think* I had. And then this cycle started. I got my thyroid tested, and it came back normal. Then I totally freaked and was convinced I had MS. My doctor did some bloodwork, none of it suggested MS or autoimmune disease, and she did some neuro exams in her office. I passed all of it. Well, that wasn't good enough for me. I felt better and relieved of the MS obsession for about one week, then ended up calling a neurologist for a second opinion because I couldn't take the worry and anxiety anymore. He orderd an EEG and sugar test, and I will get the EEG results this Friday. (sugar was normal).
Wow... talk about venting, that felt good too. Thanks for listening. And I get it now about your doctor with the joke about MS and not swallowing. You know I had throat and swallowing issues, too, and found out it was Acid Reflux. And I didn't have any heartburn, just throat and swallowing symptoms. I took Prilosec OTC for two weeks, and it was gone.
Write back if you want, this is very theraputic.