Looking great everyone! I have the wind these days to march in both parades! However, I 'm glad I don't have to go out to smoke in this CT heat today! Stick with us! We can do this!
I've found that it all depends on your attitude day to day, there've been days when it isn't even noticeable, & there's been a few days when I just couldn't get it outta my head.
Make a list of easy distractions, & I highly recommend an NRT. I use an Inhaler which precludes the nicotine withdrawal; this makes breaking the smoking habit much easier.
So.... yes it does get better, but there are always going to be times when smoking a cigarette will seem like a good idea.
The spring weather here in Washington DC is more like summer weather already. Today we will be near 90°F / 32.2 °C Congratulations everyone on sticking with it.
Mica: 2 months is awesome! Does it keep getting easier? I quit a few weeks after you did
Good morning kaiser, Duffis. I'm proud to march along with you guys.
William - Free and Healing for One Year, One Month, Nineteen Days, 22 Hours and 51 Minutes, while extending my life expectancy 50 Days and 16 Hours, by avoiding the use of 14593 nicotine delivery devices that would have cost me $6,680.83.
It is the middle of the month and it is time to enjoy the great spring weather and strut your stuff. I am prioud to post 2,619 days smoke free days and to all you new folks hanging around peeking in............it's time to join the SSC and get started on your road to being smoke free. Kaiser will be back soon and we can then have a real parade.