When I very first started suffering from Panic Attacks (12 yrs ago), I was just seeing a family doctor. He prescribed me Zanax to combat the anxiety. I started out taking it slowly, but as days went by I was so fearful of feeling the anxiety again that I was taking them at breakfast, lunch and dinner. I'll never forget sitting there after about a week of taking them that much and saying to myself, "I want to die". They made me so depressed. That was the day that I called my father and told him I didn't want to live anymore, and he took me to a psychiatrist the next day. The doctor put me on Paxil and Klonopin. Within Two weeks, I remember looking around at the sky and saying, wow, the sky looks really beautiful today. That was the first time in a year and a half of fighting panic that I could look at the sky and not be terrified of life, death, dying, and the eternity of it all. Don't get me wrong, I was still sick, but I new that I could fight it. Prior to that I would stay in my house for months at a time. So, I guess what I'm trying to say is, Zanax made me worse, because It didn't fix my mental problems, it just covered my physical symptoms. Don't be scared of meds like zoloft, paxil, klonopin. I believe that Panic disorder is caused by a chemical embalance, and there is no reason to continue suffering when there are meds out there that can help you balance your brain chemicals.