Ive always had a problem finding my triggers.The way i see life after 5 years of anxiety is i have no upper hand on how to fight the "feelings".So i did see one shrink that all She did was help panic disorder i asked her,the cure rate she said for her 100 percent.Well i never got to keep going because of money,and i did take one postive thing from it all,along with the claire weeks book."Over sentized nerves" now this is the key term for us,are nerves are worn down so we can actually feel every heartbeat,everything is oversenstive,because the nerves are shell shocked so to speak..One trigger that dosent hurt me is reality fears as such,like reality the shrink taught me that.Its more the feeling of things i cant control,in that being a big ball of wax my health!Trigger for me is health issues,and it spirals from there.To my point sorry to ramble but posting is almost instant medcine for me,it heals my tortured soul to a degree.If i take in even a very small amount of sugar,I feel palpations,my left side of my ribcage,and chest gets tight.Now having this 5 years you think i could be like oh its anxiety chill bro,anyways sugar is setting me off and it scares me,ive posted it before,and i cant figure out why just a little amount would set me off..
Any ideas on any of the above..