Congratulations! You've really got a great quit going!!! Awesome! Hopefully you're ability to take everything so smoothly will motivate your husband to jump on the band wagon! Don't forget to reward yourself for your accomplishments!!! They really help!
Sounds like you've got some great coping strategies lined up. Good stuff! Keep it up, you are right that quitting has successfully been done by many people! You can do it too!
Mica, delighted to hear you're through Hell week and it wasn't too bad for you. I was like you too, my quit was very smooth, but I do appreciate that I am the exception and for most people the quit can have some trying times. I hope your quit continues in the same way, mine did which only made me wish I'd done it years ago.
For keeping my quit I will continue visiting this forum & watching my stats add up. The emergency coping plan is working for me... avoiding is difficult with my husband still smoking, but as I said it doesn't bother me nearly as much as I thought that it would.
I'm also using other Quit sites & reading lotsa information. I've been practicing mindful meditation for about two years, and that helps, too.
Knowing that any cravings I get will go away is probably my number one coping skill, though.
Thanks to all who have commented, and for all the posts that reinforce the fact that it has already been done, many times by many people!
Hey Mica.............a hearty congratulations on your completion of "hell week". Keep your attitude going, it sounds like you have made up your mind to quit smoking. Trust me there are some ups and downs yet to come but you can do this. It gets easier day by day and just keep reminding yourself that you have joined the ranks of non smokers.
Well. I've made it through seven & a half days now; & don't feel as if I was tortured.....
In fact, I'm pretty damn proud . My morning coffee is a little rough, but I've got my Inhaler & it is doing such a good job! My husband's smoking isn't driving me crazy, I barely notice.
For some unknown reason I'm finding it difficult to think of myself as an ex-smoker yet though. hmmmm... I wonder how long it'll take me to get that feeling. Oh well, as long as I don't give in, I'm happy.