I don't seem to be having muscle aches as bad this week but I do feel like its a real effort to move. My legs just feel so heavy like walking takes a big effort. Has anyone experienced anything like this?
Just be safe and check with your doctor to rule out any problems.
They can be very helpful to ease your mind or give you more knowledge.
The Panic Center Support Team.
I get all kinds of muscular grief, that is my main anxiety obsession - neuro diseases. Mine are often one sided (ie, my right leg and right arm will feel numb or "useless") so, I think it can be anxiety.
Anyone else get one sided muscular symptoms?
I have the same problems I am so glad to hear other people talking about it. My best way to describe it is like when a person has the flu and their body just aches. I get it in my legs and arms. But I believe it may be a side effect of the lexapro I am taking. I take 10mg a day. But I also believed at first that I had bone cancer or some type of muscle disorder.My pain is noticably worse in the mornings. I would really like how many mg of lexpro any of you take a day because I tried telling my doctor I believed it may be a side effect of the lexapro and he said he had never had anyone complain of that side effect.
I do understand where you are coming from, i get alot of muscle aches, especially in my left leg and my left shoulder blade,trying to describe this to my doctor can be difficult, and they say its muscle strain or its my anxiety.I too dont do alot of excercise as the pain can get bad.And i think that is why my agrophobia is getting worse as i am afraid my leg wont be able to carry me all the way.Anyway just thought i would mention it.
Love and prayers to you all
Oh yes!!!! I sometimes have such painful muscle cramps that I have to take tylenol or advil. They are in different places but mostly my legs. My arms are at times achy as is my back and neck (horrible neck pain). I am not sure if it is from tension that keeps you tight all day long or if it is a side effect of the Lexapro. I can totally relate to what you are saying!
This is ort of similar to my post about lethargy but I thought I'd start a new discussion. Does anyone suffer from ally achy leg muscles. I haven't been doing as much exercise as normal but my legs ache like I've done twice as much. Sometims I'm scared I'm not going to be able to stand up and hold my weight. I think I hold my legs stiff when I walk but where I've probably done that and now they hurt I cannot tell if I am actually do it or not!! Does anyone else get this?? This is the first time I've this and all sors is going through my mind, bone cancer, MS, ME all the favourites!!